Monday, 19 January 2015

Final Year Project 2 (Week 14)

Week 14

Title of activity: Industry day S2’2014

Venue: Gemilang Hall

Time: 8.00am – 12.30pm (FYP 2 Degree Presentation)
·                               8.00am (booth and poster setup)

·         All students of FYP 2 must register first before assessors are coming 9.00am (assess begins)

·         Assessed by Sir Akram Dandu and Dr Nubli

Project Presentation Assessment Criteria:
·         Clarity of the project introduction
·         Clarity of the objectives and achievement of the objectives
·         Clarity of project background and methodology
·         Understanding of results, results analysis/ discussion and conclusion of the project
·         Functionality - rational reasons are given for non-functionality or partially working project with reasonable and acceptable explanation
·         Innovative and Creativity - project design in terms of neatness, creativity, innovative, marketability, sophisticated, futuristic and practical  applications
·         Clarity of explanation and structure of research outcomes / findings / simulation results
·         Understanding of case study, results and data analysis/ discussion and conclusion of the project
·         Originality and preparation of materials
·         Ability to handle questions - able to answer correctly to questions related to the facts, theories and process presented
·         Understanding of project – demonstrate sufficient knowledge gain from the project
·         Interpersonal skills

Final Year Project 2 (Week 13)

Week 13

Title of activity:

  • Create a poster


     1.    Create a poster by using Microsoft Word version 2013
     2.    Size of poster required is A1 measurement
     3.    The figure below shows the poster that I have done.


Final Year Project 2 (Week 12)

Week 12

Title of activity:

  • Make list of poster requirements


Before making a poster, I have seen some examples of posters available at FYP room to get the idea. Most of the posters in the room belong to students who have taken the course of FYP.


The poster will include some of these requirements with explanation

            ·         Project Title
            ·         Student’s name
            ·         University
            ·         Supervisor’s name
            ·         Abstract  
            ·     Objectives
            ·         Methodology
            ·         Diagram
            ·         Results

Final Year Project 2 (Week 11)

Week 11

Title of activity:

  • Do selection of the program

     1.    Design the program using PICC compiler software

     2.    Do selection for the program is important because the program is the main process for         the project. For this project, PICC compiler was selected because the program is simple       and easy to understand.

     3.    Steps to write down the program:
  •        Open PICC compiler shortcut
  •     Open new file
  •     Save as new file. The new file that we save (example : HAZIQ) will have extension c             (example : HAZIQ.c)
  •       Write down the program


Final Year Project 2 (Week 10)

Week 10

Title of activity:

  • Apply the components on copper board and do the soldering process


  1.    To solder the components on the board according to the PCB design for each circuit.
       2.    To make a connection for all component on the copper board.
       3.    Soldering components on PIC circuit (Figure 1)
       4.    Soldering components on Relay circuit (Figure 2)
       5.    Top view: PIC circuit (Figure 3)
       6.    Bottom view: PIC circuit (Figure 4)
       7.    Top view: Relay circuit (Figure 5)
       8.    Bottom view: Relay circuit (Figure 6)


After soldering the entire component on the copper board. The circuit must be troubleshoot to check whether the components are connected properly according to the PCB layout.

Friday, 16 January 2015

Final Year Project 2 (Week 9)

Week 9

Tittle of activity:

Make a drilling process after etching the circuit design.


Holes through a PCB are typically drilled with small-diameter drill bits made of solid coated tungsten carbide. Coated tungsten carbide is recommended since many board materials are very abrasive and drilling must be high RPM and high feed to be cost effective. Drill bits must also remain sharp so as not to mar or tear the traces. Drilling with high-speed-steel is simply not feasible since the drill bits will dull quickly and thus tear the copper and ruin the boards.

  1.  In this project, I am using the Pro’s Kit super mini drill 12V to make the drilling process (Figure 1).
  2. Next, drill the holes using a driller (Figure 2).
  3. This is the result after the board had been rubbed by sandpaper to remove the remaining copper that not been covered by carbon ink. Lastly, this circuit is ready to be constructed with the components (Figure 3).


Final Year Project 2 (Week 8)

Week 8

Title of activity:

Etching process on the copper board according to the PCB layout


  1. Clothes iron will be used to iron the PCB design to attach on the surface of copper board (Figure 1).
  2. After attaching the PCB design on to the copper board. It will be placed into the etching acid. This process takes about 20 minutes to remove the remaining copper that is not needed (Figure 2).
  3. The results of the etching process. Copper is not needed will be eroded, only copper that covered by carbon ink will remain on the board and form a circuit (Figure 3).